Monday, June 26, 2006

Are you MLMer?

I thought someone might ask me this question, so i might as well be truthful about it. :)

Instead of being an MLMer, i prefer to say that i am an "Edupreneur". Borrowing this word from a good fren, whom i partnered in two distribution companies, those who truly understood the MLM methodology would know that education is the soul of the system.

Frankly, i have never read so much in my life till i ventured in the businesses. The amount of knowledge put into the system is tremendous for such an simple business strategy. The literatures have brought me to places i could not imagine:

First, from a broke who has difficulty in funding my next meal to an Edupreneur coaching others how to create wealth. Then, from an engineer by training to a financial specialist in wealth management.

If you do not understand how the above happened, all i can say is life is a cycle. All of us have ups and downs at various stages of life, just happen that mine was up & down pretty rapidly for the past five years.


* Edupreneur = Entrepreneur who educates others to be entrepreneurs

What is MLM?

To me, MLM stands for "making life meaningful" as opposed to many who insist it stands for "making life miserable".

MLM = OMO + network of contacts where OMO means "one man operation".

You will be a entrepreneur (one man show) running around doing your own things, your own way, seeking business tie up with all the contacts you ever made in this lifetime.

Now, tell me, what is wrong with the statement in bold? Don't all entrepreneurs start with "one man operation" until some kind soul sees value in these entrepreneurs and give them a chance to preach their business proposition? Bill Gates started the same way, so does Mr KFC.

Meaningful life comes about when you could teach someone else your winning secret to success and help them be successful. Just like Bill Gates building talents throught his Microsoft Academy.
